
Run Command Shortcuts

If you want to work faster at computer system, then it is best practise to use keyboard shortcuts.

If you want to start a new application / utilities, then you navigate hundred windows and dialog boxes. Or rather then you can do same job through "Run Command".

How to reach run command?

  1. Start > Run
  2. press ( [Windows] + [R] )
The keyboard shortcuts for run command in Windows XP:

Mostly use run command shortcuts as:

Calculator -------------------------------  calc
  Character map --------------------------  charmap  
Clipboard --------------------------------  clipbrd
  Command Prompt ----------------------  cmd or command  
Computer Management ---------------  compmgmt.msc
  Control panel --------------------------  control  
Display Properties --------------------  desk.cpl or control desktop
  Date and Time properties ----------  timedate.cpl  
Fonts -----------------------------------  control fonts
  Game Controllers ---------------------  joy.cpl  
Internet Explorer ---------------------  iexplore
  Keyboard Properties -----------------  control keyboard  
Microsoft Word -----------------------  winword
  Microsoft Excel -----------------------  excel  
Microsoft PowerPoint ----------------  powerpnt
  Microsoft Paint -----------------------  mspaint or pbrush  
Mouse Properties --------------------  main.cpl
  Notepad ------------------------------  notepad  
On Screen Keyboard ----------------  osk
  Outlook Express --------------------  msimn  
Printers and Faxes --------------------  control printers
  Regional Settings -------------------  intl.cpl  
shutdown Windows -------------------  shutdown
  Sounds and Audio ---------------------  mmsys.cpl  
System Configuration Editor ---------  sysedit
  System Configuration Utility ---------  msconfig  
System Information -------------------  msinfo32
  System Properties ---------------------  sysdm.cpl  
Task Manager --------------------------  taskmgr
  Windows Explorer ---------------------  explorer  
Windows Firewall ----------------------  firewall.cpl
  Windows Magnifier --------------------  magnify  
Windows Media Player ----------------  wmplayer
  Windows System Security Tool ------  syskey  
Windows Version ----------------------  winver
  Wordpad --------------------------------  write  

Related programs:

  1. Make your own Windows Run command
  2. General keyboard shortcuts
  3. Windows keyboard shortcuts
  4. Dialog box shortcuts
  5. Function key shortcuts

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