
C Pyramid Number Pattern

Q. Write a C program to print the following C Pyramid Number Pattern program as:

     11 10 11
     11 10 9 10 11
     11 10 9  8  9 10 11



What is Cell in Ms Excel

You are here: Home  Basic of Excel  Cell in Excel 

Worksheet is a combination of rows and column. When row and column inter-cross each other, there are make a rectangular shape, this rectangular shape is called Cell. A Cell is the smallest unit of worksheet.
Total number of cell is 17,179,869,184 in one worksheet.

Each cell has unique cell address. A cell address is combination of column name and row number.


Excel Keyboard Shortcut Key For Moving Cell Pointer In Worksheet

You are here: Excel   Ms-Excel Worksheet

To move the cell pointer around the worksheet of Excel there are many keyboard shortcut available as following table: 

Ms-Excel Worksheet

You are here: Excel    Ms-Excel Worksheet

What is Worksheet
When data is arranged in tabular format, it is technically called worksheet. Worksheet is like as tables. And a table is a combination of Row and Column. When we make a new Ms Excel file, there are three worksheet already opened as named Sheet1, Sheet2, Sheet3. You can add more or delete any sheet.

Total no. of rows and columns are depend on the version of MS-Excel. The following table shows the total no. of rows and columns with their excel version:-


Number Hash Symbol Pryamid

Q. Write a C program to make the following number hash symbol pyramid C program as:

     1 # 3 # 5
     1 #
     1 # 3
     1 #


/*c program for number hash symbol pyramid*/
int main()


Basic Of Ms-Excel

You are here: Excel    Basic of Ms-Excel

You had been learned introduction of Ms-Excel, now it is time to to learn about the basic of Excel.
When you open Ms-Excel first time, its look something as following screenshot:
Basic Of Ms-Excel - Ms Excel theme
Figure: Screen shot of Basic Of Ms-Excel - Ms Excel theme
As you can analysis there are many options/tabs available in Ms-Excel. Let's we deal with all these options step by step. Firstly we can be divided these options in various parts as:


Open MS-Excel Through Keyboard Shortcut Key

There are no pre-define keyboard shortcut key for open the MS Excel. If you frequently use Ms-Excel, then it is good for to make your own keyboard shortcut key to open Ms-Excel.
It is very easy to create a built-in keyboard short-key. MS Excel give the facility to create your own keyboard shortcut key so you can open the MS Excel direct through keyboard.

Creating or assign a keyboard shortcut key for MS Excel:

Step 1: Follows below process to Open Microsoft Office Excel Properties option 

           Start  All Programs  Microsoft Office  Microsoft Office Excel      
           (Right Click)   Properties
Screen shot for open the properties of MS Excel
Figure: Screen shot for open the properties of MS Excel        


Introducation of Ms-Excel

What is Ms - Excel

MS-Excel One of the Application of MS Office
One of the Application of MS Office

MS Excel is a worksheet application program, which is developed by Micro Soft Corporation USA for Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X and Linux.

It is used for storing, organizing and analyzing data. It features calculation, graphing tools, pivot tables, and macro programming language called Visual Basic for Applications. Excel is a part of Microsoft office or MS-Office.

How to open or create a new Excel File:

After the download/install the MS-Excel, there are first thing comes in mind how to open the your first excel file? There are many ways to open or creating a new file in excel as following :

Reverse Floyd Number Pattern C Program

Q. Write a reverse Floyd number pattern C program as:

       4 3
       2 1 0

      8 7
      6 5 4 
      3 2 1 0


/* reverse floyd number pattern c program source code */


Continuous Number Pattern C Program

Q. Write a C program to make the following continuous number pattern as:

     2 6
     3 7 10
     4 8 11 13
     5 9 12 14 15


Before write to start the C coding, first of all you should the understand the concept of above number pattern.


Diagonal Number Pattern In C

Q. Write a C program to make a diagonal number pattern as following design:



/* c program source code for diagonal number pattern*/

Continuous Table C Program

Q. how to make a continuous table for all number in C language like as following:

     1 2 3  4  5
     2 4 6  8  10
     3 6 9  12 15
     4 8 12 15 20


/* c program to make a continuous table c program */


Introduction of Computer

The 21th century is known for computer century. The innovation of computer is revolutionary step in the human world. Today each and every part of human life is directly or indirectly connecting to computer.


Character Pattern of Half Diamond

Q. Write a C program to print the following design of Character Pattern of Half Diamond as:





Number Pattern of Half Diamond

Q. Write a C program to make number pattern of half diamond as:



Before the writing the source code of above program, lookout the below figure:

T Shape Character Pyramid

Q. Write a C program to make T shape character pattern design as:



/*c source code for T shape pyramid pattern program*/
int main()


Reverse Floyd Triangle - Half Floyd Number Diamond

Q. Write a C Floyd triangle program in reverse order as following pattern:

     2 3
     4 5 6
     7 8 9 10
     4 5 6
     2 3


/*c program of Reverse Floyd Triangle - Half Floyd Number Diamond*/


Perfect Equal Number Triangle C Program

Q. Write a C program to make the following perfect equal number triangle shape as:

     4 3 4
     4 3 2 3 4
     4 3 2 1 2 3 4
     4 3 2 3 4
     4 3 4


Its looks very tough to make the above number triangle but when you divided this triangle (pyramid) in sub-triangle (sub-pyramid) then its look like as:

     4 3 4
     4 3 2 3 4
     4 3 2 1 2 3 4
     4 3 2 3 4
     4 3 4