php Tutorial index
  1. Basic of PHP
  2. Getting started with php
    • Before learn PHP, you must know html, css, JavaScript
    • Required hardware & software
    • Download & install php
  3. Server side v/s client side
  4. Some basic php programming fact
  5. PHP syntax
    • php variable
    • php constant
    • php datatypes
      • int
      • double
      • NULL
      • Boolean
      • string
      • array
      • object
      • resources
  6. PHP loops controlling
    • while
    • do...while
    • for
    • foreach
  7. PHP branches controlling
    • if
    • if...else
    • nested if...else
  8. break and continue
  9. Function
    • Inbuilt function
    • user-define function
    • Recurison
  10. String
    • General string handling
    • string handling function
    • string case function
      • strtolower()
      • strtoupper()
      • usfirst()
      • uswords()
    • White space removing fuction
      • ltrim
      • trim
      • rtrim or chop()
  11. Array
    • What is array
    • Types of array in php
      • Index array
      • Associative array
      • Multidimensional array
    • Creating array in php 3 types
      • Direct
      • With array keyword
      • with function
    • Access values of php
      • Through index no
      • Through function
    • Array Function
    • Array traversed function
    • Array example
  12. Number Handling

php tutorial related issues:
  1. What is the difference between wamp, lamp and xampp server?

PHP Source code for learning and commercial uses.

  1. connection.php
  2. mysql.php
  3. common_function.php
  4. database_tables.php
  5. index.php

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