
Reverse all string

Q. Write a C program to read a string from user and display string in reverse order.

User entered string: This is a good blog
Result/output: blog good a is This


/*c program for reverse all string*/
int main()
 char str[30];
 int i,tmp;
 printf("Enter any string: ");
 for(i=0; str[i]!='\0'; i++);
 for(i--; i>=0;i--)
  if(str[i-1]==' ' || i==0)
   for(tmp=i; str[tmp]!='\0' && str[tmp]!=' '; tmp++)
  printf(" ");
 return 0;


Reverse all string C program output
Screen shot for reverse all string C program

Related Programs:

  1. Reverse all words but not string
  2. Reverse each first character of word & add extra word
  3. Change case of string(Toggle/Title Case)
  4. Display string vertically
  5. Search sub string from main string
  6. Search sub string individual from main string
  7. Position and repetition of character in string


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Hello Seth, I mis your past mail.
      Resend me your problem or u can write here for every programming lover to discuss and improve answers.

  2. sir y u r making for(i=0; str[i]!='\0'; i++); infinite loop

    1. It is not infinite loop, we want to reach the end of string so i values increases till its not reach the NULL.
      for example:
      assume string is: India Is Awesome
      for(i=0; str[i]!='\0'; i++);
      to giving this loop, i's value reach the end of string i.e. NULL, and not we use string in reverse order by the following loop(according to our requirement, see above program):
      for(i--; i>=0;i--)

  3. can u explain d logic sir y u hv chosen str[i-1];

    1. @Pranav Pushp,

      str[i-1] identify the blank space so we can understand that where the string one word is end and second word is start.

  4. /*the code which works fine and the comments are also made for the better understanding of the users*/

    /*including the libraries using header files*/

    int main()
    char str[30];//declaring variables
    int i,temp;
    printf("enter the string to be reversed\n");
    gets(str); /*takes string input*/

    for(i=strlen(str); i>=0;i--) //loops from end to beginning
    if(str[i-1]==' ' || i==0) /*condition checks for the space and 0th index*/
    for(temp=i; str[temp]!='\0' && str[temp]!=' '; temp++) /*copies data till it reaches null or next space*/
    printf("%c",str[temp]);//prints character data
    printf(" "); //if above 2 conditions are not satisfied it'll output just a space mark
    return 0; //for ensuring that the program is working fine we can output any digit
