- what is C
- Data Types
- What is data type in C
- 16 bit V/S 32 bit compiler meaning in C
- Types of data type in C
- Characters data type - signed char V/S unsigned char
- Integers data types
- signed int V/S unsigned int
- short int V/S long int
- float VS double data type
- long double data type
- Comparison of all data types
- C Operators
- If....else, if....else if....else
- while, for, do...while
- break, continue, switch, goto
- Storage Classes
- What is storage classes in C
- Automatic Storage Class
- Register Storage Class
- Static Storage Class
- External Storage Class
- Comparison of Storage class in C
- Pointer
- Function
- What is function
- Features of function
- Why use function
- Library function or In-built function
- strlen()
- strcpy()
- strncpy()
- strcat()
- strncat()
- strcmp()
- strncmp()
- strcmpi()
- stricmp()
- strnicmp()
- strlwr()
- strupr()
- strrev()
- strdup()
- strchr()
- strrchr()
- strstr()
- strset()
- strnset()
- User Define function
- Recursion
- Add function to library
- Array
- What is Array
- Array declaration and Initialization
- Bounds Checking
- Array and function
- Array and Pointers
- Array of pointers
- 2-d Array
- 3-d Array
- C Preprocessor